Autumn has arrived to Parc Vallès!

  • tardor parc valles

Don't let the cold stop you

One more year, autumn has returned to Parc Vallès. And unlike what many think, it is a fantastic time to make all kinds of plans. We can't let the cold stop us for a minute. Of course, with all the proposals we have for you, we are sure that you will not be able to get bored with us.

From Parc Vallès we propose plans for the whole week. We start with a good dose of shopping in your favorite stores. We continue with a hot chocolate to the cup in any of our terraces. Is there a better way to combat the cold than this? But it does not end here...

Our cinemas are still waiting for you with open doors and many movies on the billboard. In addition, he remembers that leisure proposals are always a great option. Who wants some bowling? Finally, do not forget to enjoy our restaurants.

This fall, enjoy Parc Vallès!
