
nevada parc valles
The great snow of 2018 February 28 has been a special day in all Catalonia thanks to the white landscapes that have given us a snowfall that nobody expected to be so spectacular...
nevada parc valles
The great snow of 2018 February 28 has been a special day in all Catalonia thanks to the white landscapes that have given us a snowfall that nobody expected to be so spectacular...
donar pv
More than 70 patients will benefit from Parc Vallès donors On Friday 16 and Saturday 17 February in the parking lot of Parc Vallès has installed a blood and tissue bank unit with...
parquing exterior
Park with comfort In Parc Vallès we are aware that every time you visit us you are more. For this reason, we have enabled a new outdoor parking so that everyone can comfortably...
app oficial parc valles
All you need at just one click In Parc Vallès we started the year with one of the most outstanding novelties and expected by all of us. For a few days now we can enjoy the...
patge xiu xiu
The children have handed over their letters The Night of the Kings is arriving and in Parc Vallès it is a tradition that we visit the funniest page in Terrassa. Of course, we...