
guanyadors star's gym parc valles
A special class for new club members From September 25 to October 15 Parc Vallès has made an important campaign from which it has given 6 months free of registration to all those...
swing pv
Triple Step School has turned the central square into a dance floor Parc Vallès is a world full of surprises. This weekend visitors to the leisure and shopping center have been...
presentacio calendari solidari
The event took place in the iSense room of Cinesa Parc Vallès This Saturday the Municipal Police of Terrassa has presented the solidarity calendar with childhood cancer. An...
concurs instagram pv
The winner of the Instagram contest will enjoy the prize in the establishments of the center During the summer of 2017 Parc Vallès has held an Instagram #Estiuparcvalles...
nous horaris parc vallès
From 1 October to 31 May According to the recent approval of Law 18/2017 of 1 August on trade, services and fairs of the Generalitat de Catalunya and in accordance with the...
next openings parc vallès
Three new operators will open their doors in the center of leisure and commerce The activity in Parc Vallès doesn't stop! If we have enjoyed the opening of the Pomodoro , KFC and...