
concurso outfit parc valles
Parc Vallès is holding its first competition for instagramers The social network Instagram has become a display case for many of us. The fashion sector has created its own space...
cinesa parc valles
In July and August, the awesome range of films at Cinesa will mean you’ll have no excuse for staying in The hottest months of the year are also packed with the freshest films...
parc valles come with bike
Take advantage of the cycle lane to get to your Vallès Occidental entertainment centre It’s easy to get to Parc Vallès by bike, on the Calle Colon cycle lane. You can see all the...
vídeo inaugural del parc vallès
This video shows the best images from the event Tuesday 21 June was the date of the opening ceremony for the new Parc Vallès. The event, which took place at the park, was attended...
Un cielo lleno de colores con la inauguración de Parc Vallès
The new park image was presented at the inauguration, in addition to new shop openings The Parc Vallès opening ceremony took place this morning at the park. The Pradera investment...
moute amb la teva historia premi
The project Moute amb la teva història (move with your history) was winner of the social responsibility action award The tenth Publi Festival took place this evening, in Barcelona...